How is cloud telephony helping contact centers in India?

contact centers in India

by | Sep 6, 2021 | Cloud Telephony

Cloud telephony is ready to match with the massive appetite for telecommunication sectors in India. However, technology also needs the supports of policy regulation to be able to reach its full potential.

If we take the market data, it is visible that the IT spending forecast in India from 2013 to 2018 has increased from 29.23 to 32.43 in the past five years. In addition to this, the National Telecom Policy has envisaged attracting investment which is worth US$100 billion under the telecommunication sector by 2022. These initiatives make one thing more apparent those Indian enterprises are focusing on gaining the best communication service for business growth. Cloud telephony service has changed the entire technology landscape, whether it has made the digital space more efficient and affordable. Acceptability of mobile, internet, VOIP, etc., has now taken a boost because of cloud technology.

Cloud telephony in India has improved the way companies now look at communication, particularly customer communication. There is a rising acceptance of the technology in several sectors, which opened a huge business opportunity for cloud telephony services in India. It will be increasingly adopted in the coming years because it is an economical and efficient way to manage calls. It is an effective customer communication tool and very cost-effective. Today contact center are providing a vital connection between the business and its customers. With evolving business models, customer conversations are not just about the calls within the four walls of the contact center. Conversations that happen outside can also be track and analysed thanks to cloud telephony.

Secondly, cloud telephony is extremely easy to set up and easy to maintain. Today, businesses in India are highly conscious of their customer connections, which makes customer phone calls the backbone of many companies in India. Customers prefer to be able to connect with the service or product providers to get the solution immediately. In that sense, cloud telephony becomes the position of the core infrastructure of the business.

Cloud telephony makes it easy for customers to reach companies using any channel (voice, mail, chat, social media, etc.). It makes the whole experience much better with the regional languages, easy IVRs, simple and tracked communication giving them personalized responses. Companies can also gain a complete and real-time picture of customer communication that helps them take quick action to reduce grievances, build a better offering and increase their sales.

Cloud telephony has improved the way businesses now view communication, especially customer communication. There is a massive acceptance of technology in various sectors that opens a vast business possibility for the cloud telephony business in the country. However, spend on technology can only be decided by observing future trends and relevant government initiatives.


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