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Your Ultimate Omnichannel Solution For Customer Engagement

Connect and engage with your customers across all social media platforms seamlessly.

One Platform, Multiple Channels, Automated Communications

Welcome to MCONNECT: A one-stop solution to streamline your business’s social media and communications. MCONNECT integrates a variety of communication tools into one, providing businesses with automated and unified communication across all social media platforms.

MCONNECT helps to ensure all communications are streamlined, Secure, and personalized. No matter where your customers are, they can reach out to your preferred channels.

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Future Ready Effortless Engagement With Personalized Chatbot

You can create and manage personalized chatbots within the platform, streamline customer engagement, and switch workspaces according to your business needs. Get Future Ready with Customer Engagement and Lead Nurturing with MCONNECT.


Start Your 10-Day Free Trial

Learn how a unified customer experience can change how your business engages with customers. With MCONNECT take your business global.

Avail of your 10 days free trial

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Key Features We Offer

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Omnichannel Support

MCONNECT enables you to manage all your engagement channels in one place, providing a unified platform for all popular social media channels, email, live chat, and more. You can reach your customer or audience effectively and offer a seamless experience on all the channels.

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User-friendly Interface

MCONNECT is designed to be easy to use and accessible to users, ensuring users or agents can adapt and utilize its features effectively. This is easy to navigate and intuitive so that the user can get a user-friendly interface.

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Comprehensive Analytics

Gain a comprehensive overview of customer engagement and campaign effectiveness using cutting-edge omnichannel solutions. Easily monitor customer behavior, and conversion rates, and monitor your campaigns to be able to make strategic decisions.Comprehensive Analytics

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Chatbot Customization

This platform allows users to customize flowchart features to deploy chatbots that can manage customer queries, provide information, and even streamline business processes without coding experience. Personalize your customer interaction with a customized chatbot that is optimized to fit specific requirements.

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API Integration

MCONNECT integrates with your pre-existing systems like CRM, email marketing tools, or other business applications effortlessly. It ensures seamless and efficient communication operations.

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Live Chat

This feature provides real-time interaction with your customers, offers quick support, answers inquiries, and fosters trust and loyalty with your customers by making sure that the businesses are willing to assist when customers need it the most.

Benefits You Enjoy

Integrated Communication And Analytics

MCONNECT simplifies your workflow by integrating all your engagement channels and analytical tools into an omnichannel platform. This platform makes it convenient to track and analyze campaign performance and customer engagement.

Enhanced Customer Experience

MCONNECT provides customers with a convenient and consistent experience by helping them fulfill their expectations and needs more quickly and efficiently. This results in an increased satisfaction rate and build strong customer relationships.

Template Store

Discover MCONNECT’S wide range of templates in a dedicated store, where you can explore and create templates for many different needs. You can create and publish your templates to use other customizable templates for a better customer experience and provide improved workflows for chatbot engagement.

Automated Engagement

The MCONNECT platform reduces the time and hassle of managing multiple channels simultaneously. It streamlines the interaction operation and allows a team to concentrate on engaging with customers and following up with leads.



MCONNECT is a unified platform designed to manage and automate social media engagement, lead nurturing, and customer engagement across all popular social media channels simultaneously. It offers tools for omnichannel interaction, complete real-time analytics, and customer communication.

How does MCONNECT support omnichannel communication?

It enables you to handle communication across multiple social media platforms from one place in a unified interface. MCONNECT provides constant messaging and a seamless communication experience, Customers can effortlessly reach out to you on preferred channels.

What kind of analytics does MCONNECT offer?

MCONNECT offers complete analytic tools that provides in-depth insights into your social media performance. You can track and monitor key performance, analyze customer activity, and make strategic decisions to improve your campaign and marketing engagement strategies.

Is the MCONNECT platform easy to use?

Absolutely, It is designed with a user-friendly interface. This intuitive interface allows you to navigate the platform easily, and reduce the learning curve, so any user can effectively navigate and maximize productivity.

Can I design my own chatbots using MCONNECT?

Absolutely yes, MCONNECT provides a customizable chatbot program that offers a personalized chatbot using a flowchart system to create effortlessly. Users can create custom chatbots without any coding experience.

How does MCONNECT integrate with other tools?

MCONNECT omnichannel integrates seamlessly with your existing tools. It assures you that all your information is secure and synchronized across platforms, boosting your productivity and making it effortless to handle all your social media engagement.

What is the purpose of the MCONNECT Template Store?

The MCONNECT template store is a centralized collection of publicly available templates. So users can craft and publish their own templates or you can download and install templates shared by someone to improve their channels for campaigns and communication.

How does the MCONNECT trial work?

It offers a free 10-day trial where you can explore and experience all the intuitive features of the MCONNECT platform. This trial period provides freedom to explore how it can boost your social media channel communication and management before committing.

Can MCONNECT help improve customer engagement?

Of course, MCONNECT is well crafted to improve and boost customer engagement through customized and effective communication in one place. Features like custom chatbots and live chat allow you to connect with your audience on a more fundamental level, promoting impactful interaction and building a strong relationship.

Can I customize the responses and actions my chatbot takes?

Yes, you can entirely customize your responses and commands for Chatbots. Applying the drag-and-drop functionality using flowchart, you can control how chatbots respond to different end-user inputs and what type of actions they will perform. Like sending a message or navigating users to some specific information.